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About George Harris

To begin, I want to give you a deeper and more personal perspective on why I do what I do.

I survived a physically and emotionally abusive childhood that had long range effects on me as I went through adulthood. Because of my lack of relationship and communication skills, I was married and divorced three times. I had three sons, and lost contact with my first son when his mother took him away. I also experienced problems in my relations with supervisors and coworkers, particularly with my employees while running my own business.

Although I did not have a lot of self-esteem, I had a strong desire and a dream of overcoming these negative experiences, and therefore I never gave up on “me” and kept taking personal development courses. I finally got in touch with all of the anger I had been carrying inside and released it. I learned to discover my wants, express my feelings, tell my truth to others, and eliminate the fears that had held me back.

As a result, my oldest son is back in my life, and I have loving and supportive relationships with all three of my sons. Overall, I have become more successful in my life, and I now want to share these tools and techniques with others. If you want to Be more loved and loving, more successful and prosperous, have relationships that empower you and a life that is more joyful and fulfilling, then I am the one you need to work with.


Master of Divinity -

Seminary of Spiritual Peacemaking

BA Degree - Holistic Health and Wellness Counseling, Colorado Institute of Transpersonal Psychology, Boulder, Colorado, 1984.

BA Degree - Metaphysics, International University of Metaphysics, Los Angeles, California, 1998.

Ordained Metaphysical Minister. Pending PhD candidate in Metaphysics.

Fully Ordained Minister of Peace in the Beloved Community

Practitioner's Diploma - University of Metaphysics, Los Angeles, California.
Metaphysical Practitioner.

Certificates of Completion/Graduation:

Centre of Creative Thought- Six Month Program, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 1989
Intensive personal evolution program, focused on dealing with parental patterns, emotional and psychological constructs.

Steel Into Gold Productions- Creative Action Training, Albuquerque, N.M., 1990
Continuing the above work, as it dealt with my own issues and beliefs. This included learning how to confront and own my own thoughts and feelings, while taking 100% responsibility for my life, especially in the process of resolving my own mistaken beliefs about myself and others. Also included more improved communication and relationship skills.

Steel into Gold Productions- Leadership Program, Albuquerque, N.M., 1992
More extensive training on clearing my blocks and negative thoughts. Training to conduct and facilitate breath sessions for clients, gaining skills to teach a six month program.

Steel into Gold Productions- 1993
Co-taught a six month program. Gained more valuable, practical skills for working with individuals and families on issues holding them back from expressing their power, as well as gaining more skills in facilitating breath work.

American Institute of Personal Relationships, Los Angeles, California, 1999
Personal Relationships Research and Education. Completed curriculum studies through research and education on personal relationships.

International University of Metaphysics, Los Angeles, California, 1999
Advanced Studies in Pastoral Psychology. Registered Spiritual Healing Practitioner.

Holistic Health:

Colorado Institute of Transpersonal Psychology, Boulder, Colorado, 1983
Certificate of completion in Polarity Therapy (energy modality).

Ayurvedic Institute, Albuquerque, N.M., 1985
Certificate of completion in Ayurvedic Medicine, an ancient healing art of India.

John McCafferty, Reiki Master, Albuquerque, N.M.
Certificate of completion in First and Second Degree Reiki (energy modality).


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