Family Life With Caring, Cooperation and Communication
Have you been frustrated with your family relationships?
Do your attempts to resolve conflict frequently fail, despite
your best efforts?
Are you having difficulties with parenting? Have you felt
a certain sense of isolation, a feeling that other parents
have it much more together than you do?
At a Family Living System workshop, you will have the opportunity
to openly discuss your frustrations. You will discover how
non-productive patterns of behavior interfere with the joy
and cooperation you desire in your family, and how to develop
positive, healthy interactions.
You will have an opportunity to listen to other parents'
similar problems, and to discover that most parents struggle
just as you do. You will gain some proven tools and techniques
to help you feel stronger about your role as a parent, and
to take charge in a way that empowers everyone.
Sign up for a workshop today, and take advantage of our
introductory 10% discount!
Family Services
Workshops: 2 - 4 hours
Acknowledging and Dealing with Children's Fears
Back to School: Staying Involved
Becoming a More Effective Parent
Effective Discipline Techniques
Empower Yourself: Communicate Instead of Expect
Keeping Your Cool With Your Kids
Leadership: Vision Into Action for Families
Resolving Defiance in Children
Self-Esteem for Parents (importance of self-acceptance)
Step-Parenting: How to Make it Work
Success Without Fear: Being a Winner in Your Life
The Teenage Years: They Can Be Easy!
Emotional Trigger Points Workshop
- Fri eve, Sat & Sun days
Developmental Assets (40 assets for every child) - 3 sessions
@ 4 hrs. ea.
Family Involvement for Student Success - 6 weeks @ 1 1/2
hrs. eve
Parenting/Step-Parenting Series I, II, III - 6 weeks @ 1
1/2 hrs. eve
Personal Development Program - 3-6 month series